Monday, May 24, 2010


When was the last time that you took a step back and looked at your life from a different perspective?
For me, it was today. As I was emailing a very good friend of mine, I realized something about myself that should have already been part of my awareness, but wasn't.

For the past month or so I have been working non-stop; whether it was for work or family, there was something that kept me engaged and busy. This past weekend I felt subtle signs of guilt for sleeping in. Even this morning as I was driving to the office, I felt guilt for not wanting to be productive or motivated.
It wasn't until I was recapping what I have been up to in my email that I realized there is a reason that my energy is low: each week has been filled with one energy draining project after another. You could say that I had an "ah-ha" moment. Like I mentioned, it should have been part of my awareness but instead, I was too caught up in the momentum of my busyness to take notice.

Taking a different perspective was helpful because it helped me to have a better understanding of my life and how busy I had been. By allowing myself time for review, I also created space for compassion. Compassion is what I like to call realizing that I am human. I am officially giving myself permission to not be 100% motivated today. In addition, I forgive myself for being too hard on myself for sleeping in this past weekend. My body was doing what it needed to do because I had used up all my energy.

Have you been too caught up in your momentum of busyness to realize what your body or relationship with others needs? Furthermore, when was the last time you created space for compassion and acknowledged that you are human?

I did it today. I am human.