I'm a big fan of Valentine's Day and I always have been. As early as elementary school I remember the joys of decorating a paper bag and going around my playmates' desks and tossing in a Valentine's. Looking back, as a kid, I would strategically select certain conversation hearts for that special kid I had a crush on...secretly hoping he would get the message and like me back.
What do women want on Valentine's Day? Well, this is debatable. Some people say women simply want to hear the words, "I love you," while others like shiny jewels or fancy handbags. What I do know is that each of us, male and female, have certain ways we communicate and interpret affection and love.
The following list is taken from "The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman. Chapman says that humans express and interpret love in 5 primary ways:
1. Words of affirmation
2. Quality time
3. Receiving gifts
4. Acts of service
5. Physical touch
The great thing about this list is that 4 out of the 5 are ways to express and interpret love without spending a penny! (Even the gift one doesn't require you to purchase anything.) Do you know what your primary way of expressing and interpreting love is? If not, you can go to the 5 love languages website and take an online assessment.
While you are counting down the days to Valentine's Day, take the pressure off and think about doing or making something from the heart, not necessarily buying from the store...well, unless your partner's primary love language is receiving gifts.