“Life’s simple pleasures…” Where have they gone? Life becomes complex due to busyness. At some point, you have probably thought, “If only there were more hours in the day...” or “I am so busy, I don’t have any time.” The culture we are growing up in seems to value productivity in the form of doing and earning, rather than valuing time.
What happens when we become consumed with work and other activities that distract us from rest and relaxation? For starters, we become overworked, stressed, and fatigued. The longer a person experiences great amounts of stress, the greater the likelihood that may lead to impaired judgment, health problems (e.g., depression, anxiety, physical illness), burnout, reduced quality of performance, and overall decrease in productivity. Japan refers to this phenomenon as karoshi. Karoshi means death from overwork, pushing your body past the point of recuperation and the physiological system collapses.